Why do Goldendoodles Stink

Why do Goldendoodles Stink? A Complete Guide on Dogs smell Issues

A Goldendoodle is, no doubt, a remarkable companion and asset for its owner. The dog is affectionate, loving, energetic, and loyal and can be used for therapy services as well. But how to regularly keep the said dog smell good with simple methods?

Grooming and caring for a Goldendoodle is easy. Firstly, you should know that the dog smells due to ear and dental infections or lack of grooming. So, you can keep your dog feeling good if you are willing to spend some time on the grooming of your dog regularly. Here are the causes and remedies for handling the stinking issue of the Goldendoodles.

Reasons Why do Goldendoodles Stink?

Ear Infections

Ear infection is the most common infection among dogs. When the ears of a dog, especially Goldendoodle, become infected, it smells. Firstly, inner ear hair is stuck inside the ear and blocks the air causing germs. Ears are one of the most potential reasons why Goldendoodles stink.

Their inner ear hair is inherited from the poodles. Second, Goldendoodles have big ears, and for this reason, airflow is blocked. You can easily solve this issue by following these steps:

  • Trim their inner ear hair
  • Clean them with dog ear cleaner
  • Follow the proper ear hygiene.

Dental Issues

The teeth of a dog make the look and feel more adorable in all cases. When we are trying to figure out why Goldendoodles stink, then dental issues are the most important points of concern for us. You must consider that your puppy’s teeth are clean and healthy because nasty teeth are the reason for bad smells. 

Some common issues in dogs include periodontal disease, tartar, and plaque.  Food easily sticks in their teeth and gums because both breeds face developing gum recession.  You must contact the dental veterinarian because these issues cause dental issues. When you brush your puppy, you should only use a proper toothbrush and recommended toothpaste. With the help of dental treats and chew toys, you will be able to stop any oral dental problems.

Why do Goldendoodles Stink 1


It is very difficult for the owner of the Goldendoodle to stop the dog from eating rubbish things. You can take care of your dog when it’s in the house but what about when it’s playing outside with the kids or going outside in some park?

If a dog eats trash and garbage items, then the probability of bad health increases. Apart from bad health, you must know that your dog will smell bad as well. Diarrhea and other stomach problems will be common in said cases. So, be careful when your dog visits outside.

Food allergy

Likewise, dogs’ food allergies are prompted by specific proteins including, chicken, and wheat, which have high protein.  If your Goldendoodle is allergic to chicken, you can use fish as an alternative diet. In case of serious stomach issues due to food allergies, you can consult the vet for a second opinion.

 Atopy (Allergies)

Canine atopic dermatitis is a common skin allergy that causes reactions, food flees, and environmental substances.  Tummy issues can cause other issues such as skin rashes,  itchiness, bed smell on their skin, etc. When you feel your puppy is prone to the allergy, you

immediately contact your vet and find out the proper solution.

These types of allergies not only cause damage to the health of the dog rather they cause bad smell for your dog. Regularly monitor the health of your dog and carefully whether it’s infected from such kinds of allergies or not. 

Eye Gunk

Many people wonder how eye gunk can cause an unpleasant smell. When your doodle has an infection in its eyes, it can cause a bad smell due to fluid discharge. There are some reasons for a dog’s eye runs, dust, allergies, growing eyelashes, etc.  You could avoid your dog from this problem. 

As caring and treatment of the eye gunk is a very critical and sensitive matter, so here are some recommended actions that will help your dog for better eye health:

  • Clean your dog’s eyes with a wet towel twice a day
  • Use a tear stain remover
  • Use a pet eye comb
  • Use pet eyewash

Dirty Coats

It is essential when your pup goes outside and plays in the mud, of course, a dirty coat becomes smelly. One of a nasty dog,  you will never want to hug it. It is necessary to bathe your dog regularly.

If you’re reluctant to clean your dog when it comes back from outside, then it will make a habit of remaining dirty. Gradually, you and your dog will not feel any smell and will become used to it and that’s not good for the health of both of you. So, make sure that you take good care of the hygiene of your lovely Goldendoodles so that it doesn’t stink and live a healthy life.

How To Keep Your Goldendoodle Smelling Good?

Regular grooming and care are sufficient for good health and maintaining a decent smell of the dog. You might be worried about complex tasks to keep your dog smell dog but these steps are very easy to implement and adopt.

Clean Coats

One of the main issues is how long Goldendoodles can take to bathe. Simply, it depends on their hair length, allergies, and skin issues. Every doodle’s requirements are different. Such as some Doodle takes a bath every 2-3 months and others require only weekly time. When you look at your pup’s coat dirty, you take them to bathe and dry their skin because wet skin causes skin issues.

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Regular Grooming

You must groom your pup daily as it helps to keep them healthy and clean.  Regularly brush your dog as it can be safe from tangles and knots. Lack of grooming can cause smell, infection, wounds, and other health issues due to matted hair.

You should groom your pup at home by brushing, nail cutting, cleaning, and drying their eyes ears, muzzles, and paws to avoid bed smell.

Proper Visits To The Veterinarian

You must visit your veterinarian and ask them the question for which reason, why do Goldendoodles stink? They will explain to you briefly, where the bad smell comes from, and you can discuss other health issues such as dental, and digestive during the same visit.   

Comparison With Other Breeds

All breeds of dogs face smell issues. Here we discuss almost all breeds. 

Do Labradoodles Smell?

Labradoodles have smell issues like other dogs. Which things cause of bad smell? This includes bad diet, skin infection, allergies, bad hygiene, dental issues, etc. as the cause of smell in Labradoodles.

Do Bernedoodles Smell?

Bernedoodles do not smell like other dog breeds. Therefore, they require less grooming and care to maintain a good smell. The dog has a shedding coat which inherits this trait from the parent breed.

Do Poodles Smell?

Poodles are known for less shining than other dog breeds. They have tight curls, and dirt can trap their inside hair, likewise, they require more bathing. With dirt, dogs become smelly.


How far can a Goldendoodle smell?

The Goldendoodle can smell from a distance of 19 kilometers.

Can I stop my dog from smelling?

Yes, you can regularly groom your dog and this will keep your dog feeling good.

Why does my do smell like metal?

Your dog may smell like a metal when it has skin issues.

Why does my dog smell like an iron?

The reason for the iron-like smell can be an issue in the kidney.

Can I spray perfume on the dog?

Yes, you can use the perfume so that bad smell vanishes for the time being.


A Goldendoodle may stink due to ears and other infections. They smell bad when they aren’t given a bath when they come from outside. So, if you want your Goldendoodles to smell good, then make sure that they remain neat, and clean and take a healthy diet.

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