When Golden Retriever Go Into Heat

When do Mini Goldendoodles Go Into Heat? A Complete Guide on Heating

Like humans, dogs feel pain, discomfort, and stress in different phases of life. Some tragedies are unannounced but others are well-known like heating. So, if you want to make yourself and especially your dog comfortable then you should know when mini Goldendoodles get into heat.

Well! They get into heat when they’re six months old. After that, they go into heat once or twice a year. Their behavior changes abruptly and you need to do a lot of care for the said dog. Let’s discuss everything about when mini Goldendoodles go into heat and how to tackle the situation amicably.

When Do Goldendoodles Go into Heat?

Female Goldendoodles generally begin their first heat cycle around six months old. This applies equally to both standard Goldendoodles as well as miniature and toy varieties of this breed. However, smaller dogs tend to reach sexual maturity earlier than their larger counterparts.

They need time and experience to adapt to their first heat cycle. This is necessary as it helps in becoming familiar with her menstrual cycles and how they affect them. At this stage, your pup will likely seek attention from male dogs.

Skip First Heat Cycle For Good Health

Goldendoodles can become pregnant during their first heat cycle. However, this should be avoided to avoid health and behavioral complications that come from early gestation. Pregnancy-induced stress could trigger separation anxiety or aggression issues for her.

Spaying Before First Heat Cycle

To prevent your Goldendoodle from becoming pregnant, it is best to have her spayed before her first heat cycle. This will reduce the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. It will also stop any unwanted litter of puppies being born from her.

Situation After First Heat Cycle

Once a female dog has finished her initial heat cycle, she will move into the diestrus phase of her cycle. Here, her estrogen levels will decrease and she won’t be as receptive to males. 

Usually, the said phase lasts 60 days before either puppies are born or anestrus sets in as she stops swelling her vulva and no vaginal discharge occurs. It gives the uterus time to recuperate before another heat cycle starts.

Golden Retriever Go Into Heat

Heating Prominent Signs

Goldendoodles may become lethargic or irritable during the anestrus phase of their cycle. They start grooming themselves more frequently near their genital area. If this is observed in your pup, make sure they remain away from any unneutered male dogs to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Careful and Responsible Breeding

Responsible breeding may seem tempting, but to ensure her offspring’s wellbeing it requires time, research, and dedication from pet parents like you. You must provide your female dog with a suitable mate and ensure a safe place for her to give birth before placing the puppies with loving families.

Duration of Heat Cycle

Goldendoodles typically experience one heat cycle every 10-14 days. Their first heat cycle typically begins around six months of age but may occur later depending on overall health and genetics. Before your dog is spayed, she could experience one to two heat cycles each year with the potential for pregnancy.

Four Phases of Heat Cycle

Each phase can result in hormonal or physical changes which vary based on your dog. Female dogs undergo four distinct stages during their heat cycle.

  • Proestrus
  • Estrus
  • Diestrus
  • Anestrus

Proestrus typically lasts 27 days. During the process, your Goldendoodle may exhibit symptoms like an enlarged vulva and blood-tinged discharge from her vulva. At this stage, she’s not yet ready for mating and may reject any male who approaches.

At her most attractive and receptive during estrus, they are at their peak of attractiveness to males. Her vulva will swell and soften, her discharge will shift from bloody to straw-like color. Her uterus will begin producing egg-forming substances.

At this time of the year, it’s wise to be extra vigilant when walking your Goldendoodle outdoors. Her increased awareness of potential mates may make her more likely to wander off and search for one. For her safety and that of other animals in your fenced yard, it is best to keep her on a leash at all times and within your fenced yard at all times.

She should be under close watch by trusted family or friends. Male dogs can detect females in heat from miles away and will travel toward them to try and get them pregnant. To prevent that from happening, she must be spayed before her next heat cycle begins!

Tips to Handle Heat Time of Mini Goldendoodles

Keep Her Cool

A female dog may become restless or moody and whine more frequently when in heat. Trying to teach children not to respond to her whining as doing so will only make her even more distressed.

Goldendoodles can quickly overheat when their Poodle parentage produces dense fur that traps heat. So provide them with shaded areas and plenty of water to stay cool.

Keep Her Hydrated

Attracting Goldendoodles during hotter summer days requires providing plenty of water and shade. A cool dip in a pool or lake may help them quickly reduce their body temperature.

Female dogs in heat may try to escape your home or yard in search of a mate. So make sure all exterior doors are shut tightly and monitor when they go outside, even in an enclosed yard.

Paying Close Attention and Helping Them Remain Calm

Goldendoodles can easily tire themselves out through play and walking. However, these active pups can quickly overheat in hot conditions.

Excessive panting is often the prominent sign of heat or overstimulation in dogs. So pay close attention and make sure they have access to water and a cool place where they can rest. If they begin overheating, use cool water spritzes immediately or transport them somewhere cooler as soon as you notice signs.

Keep Them in a Crate

Female dogs in heat are susceptible to mating with unneutered male dogs. So, it’s crucial to ensure she remains separate during this period. Caging her may help safeguard your pet. Make sure that it has access to a well-ventilated crate that’s appropriately sized.


Do Goldendoodles overheat easily?

Yes, they’re overheated easily, especially in hot weather.

How would you know if the mini Goldendoodle is heated or not?

Your dog’s vulva will be red and swell during that period.

How to keep the house clean when the dog is in heat?

Use old blankets in the house so that the house remains neat and clean.

When do mini Goldendoodles get into heat?

They get into heat for the first time between 6 and 24 months of age.

What not to do when the mini Goldendoodle is in heat?

Don’t leave your dog unattended when it is in heat.


Mini Goldendoodles get into the heat in the very stage of their life. Though the process is very painful, proper caring and teaching the dog will help in better coping with the situation. Remain extra careful and patient during those days. 

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