Mini Goldendoodle Separation Anxiety

Tackle Mini Goldendoodle Separation Anxiety by Using Below Techniques

We can’t sit with our dogs all of the time due to multiple reasons whether they’re personal or professional. But dogs are very sensitive. Though they can manage loneliness for a limited time it’s very difficult for a mini Goldendoodle to handle separation anxiety alone when left unattended for hours.

What’s the solution? Well! The issue is, no doubt, very serious and important. But it can solved with a little bit of effort. Training your dog is very effective. You just need to give time to your dog, leave it at a daycare, and provide your used items so that it can feel your presence even when you’re not available.

Techniques To Minimize Mini Goldendoodle Separation Anxiety

Turn on the TV

When you go anywhere and your dog is behind, you can turn on the TV for your amazing dog. Why? The TV will let your dog listen to music, watch dog shows, and interesting ads. The activity is very handy and effective as it reduces mini Goldendoodle’s separation anxiety. The dog remains happy and cheerful.

Leave your scent on their toys

Another way to reduce their separation anxiety is to buy a new toy for them and spray on it. When you give them a toy, and while you are not around them, with your fragrance they feel you are here around them. You might be thinking whether it will work or not. Well! The technique is very useful.

Exercise your pup

When they do some exercise, walk, and play with you. Said activities can be performed inside or outside the home. However, when you go outside alone and ask them to stay alone in the house, then they feel tired and go to sleep. By providing them with a safe environment to exercise without your involvement, they feel relaxed. With this method, you could easily reduce their anxiety.

Anxiety relieving chews

With some chews, we can relieve our dogs from the anxiety. You should use Paw Tree’s Chillax Chews that veterinarian-developed formula. This will help you to keep your dog, especially during your absence.

Goldendoodle Separation Anxiety

Puzzle Toys

Toys have no replacement in the hearts of kids and dogs. But all the toys are not interesting. You should provide puzzle toys to your mini Goldendoodle to counter its separation anxiety.

Use a “Thundershirt” 

Thundsrirt can help you to put your dog more easily and comfortably. With this shirt, you can reduce your dog’s anxiety and it feels more secure.

Using a pheromone spray or diffuser

Try to use a pheromone spray that releases natural properties. After you go outside, it may help your dog to feel secure and reduce their anxiety and stress.

Treat dispenser

A treat dispenser is another effective method to counter the separation anxiety of your lovely dog.

Leave something that smells like you

Dogs have smell aesthetics way better than human beings and other pets. They recognize people from their fragrance and smell. So, if you want to keep your dog calm even when you’re not around, then you should have some items like sweaters and shawls in the house. These items should be placed at a point where the mini Goldendoodle can easily access them to feel you.

Pet Camera

You should arrange a pet camera in the house. When you are absent from the house then you can notice your dog’s behaviour. With the camera, you could recognize the dog’s separation anxiety.

Training Options

When your dog has anxiety separation, it needs your attention. Dogs like to impress their owners. By training you could give them a chance to please you. Maximum family members should be included during the training. 

The best way to train your puppy at home is because your bond becomes strong with each other. Some breeders understand the necessity of the training and provide you with a well-trained puppy. You should always pay special attention to the training of the dog. Apart from other benefits, the training of the mini Goldendoodles lets you handle separation anxiety easily.

Positive reinforcement

With positive reinforcement, when they behave well you must reward them. When you teach your dog with positive reinforcement your dog follows your order happily. As a result, may your dog obey your order in the future. 

Practice with treats

When your dog is whining, you put it in a separate room and wait outside until they quiet. When you feel they are silent, then you go into the room and encourage your dog with yes or good. This method should be repeated for short durations.

Don’t make a big deal about leaving or coming home

When you go outside, don’t discuss your pet because they get hyper or happy. When you come back you should not accept it until they become calm. When they calm down then you can cuddle them. It is essential for them that if they behave well then, they should get attention. 

Don’t scold or punish your dog

If you want to solve their separation anxiety problem, then you shouldn’t scold and punish them. You must ignore their negative behavior because they are already disturbed about your leaving alone. You should reward them for their behavior. 

Leave your dog with a close friend or family member

Another superb and effective option to reduce separation anxiety in your dog is to leave it with friends or family. The dog should be familiar and comfortable with them and vice versa. When they live with them, they are being away from you. Thus, if you leave him at home, they may behave well. 

Practice without leaving

You might have heard about mocking a situation. During mock, you create a scenario that’s almost similar to the actual one. You need to create a mock environment for your mini Goldendoodle. But how will you do that?

Sometimes you must practice without leaving them. You can put on shoes, pick up the key, sit down to watch TV, and keep your eyes on their behavior. When you do this, your dog teaches these signs to mean that you are going and you will leave him alone every time. 

Unable to Find a Solution? What’s More?

Well! You might be wondering and thinking that after trying all the best possible means, still, you’re still unable to find a good solution. So what’s the way out? Don’t worry! Here are some other practical methods for you to handle the situation in a better way.

Get another dog

When your pet’s separation anxiety issues aren’t solved, you adopt a new dog. Some dogs enjoy another dog’s company and with another dog automatically their issues are solved. Thus, you can get a new dog for your pet.

Another tip for you is that if you have a male dog then you should bring a female dog and vice versa. Why? The reason is that it not only keeps them handle separation anxiety rather there is a possibility of breeding them in the future.

Dog’s daycare

If you’re living in the United States, then you should have probably heard about the dog’s daycare. This will help to minimize the separation anxiety issue of your mini Goldendoodle.   

 Don’t leave your dog in the crate for too long

When you leave your dog in the cart for a long time, then spoils their mental and physical health.  You can leave your puppy who is 3 months old only for 3 hours. When your dog is 6 months old and potty trained, you can add hours in every month. Almost 6-8 hours maximum to leave them in a crate.

Be consistent

Every work requires consistency. Similarly, when you give a routine to your dog, it is helpful for it. When you follow one timetable for going and coming, this routine prepares your dog that everything is fine.

Consult a veterinarian

Experience has no match and this is true in any field including handling mini Goldendoodle’s separation anxiety. When you feel your canine issues are not solved. Immediately, you consult a veterinarian, because a veterinarian can manage your dog’s behavior and solve their problems.


Does getting another dog help handle separation anxiety?

Yes, the solution is very effective in most cases.

How to train a dog with severe separation anxiety?

You need to gradually train your dog to handle separation anxiety. Create a mock situation.

How long does separation anxiety last in dogs?

It can last from some months to even a year or so.

Do dogs get sick from separation anxiety?

Yes, they can get sick from separation anxiety. The possible signs are vomiting and diarrhea.

How to handle the separation anxiety of a mini Goldendoodle?

Give puzzle toys, an exercise environment, and another pet so that your dog remains busy when you’re not around.


Mini Goldendoodles are loving and affectionate dogs. They want to spend maximum time with humans as well as other pets. They can’t live separately. You can keep them busy, leave them at a friend’s home, provide puzzle toys, and even bring another dog to handle the separation anxiety of your amazing mini Goldendoodle. The solution is quite practical!

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