How to Potty Train a Mini Goldendoodle

How to Potty Train a Mini Goldendoodle? A Complete Guide 2024

Thinking of adopting a dog and practically adopting a dog are two altogether different things. How? A dog looks amazing and stunning from the outside if we don’t need to groom and take care at all. But how to groom a dog and especially things seems very challenging when we want to know about how to potty train a mini Goldendoodle.

Well! The process is not as difficult as it is assumed. How? Give confidence to your dog, reserve a dedicated place for your dog, install a ring bell for a sign that your dog requires a potty break, and reward your dog when it has done the job effectively. Want to learn in detail? Ok! Let’s learn and understand something more about potty training.

Initiating Potty Training

Puppies need plenty of water to avoid dehydration. So their intake must be closely monitored. One effective strategy is limiting access to two hours before bedtime.

Begin training early and consistently. Establishing a routine allows your puppy to establish good habits from day one. This also makes monitoring bathroom needs much simpler. As a token of advice, verbally praise your dog and give an incentive treat as this will encourage repeat performance.


The transition and exposure to the potty tools shouldn’t be sudden. It will be more effective when you mentally and physically prepare your dog to do so. They will become more confident and stable whenever you help them in preparation before going through the potty process.  

Punishing is never suggested at any stage especially when you are understanding about how to potty train a mini Goldendoodle. Appreciating even small things will be more beneficial and unnecessary punishments will be destructive.

How to Potty Train a Goldendoodle

Potential Frequency of the Potty 

Young puppies typically have small bladders and little control over their bowel movements. This requires them to go frequently after awakening or eating food.

Establishing a consistent bathroom habit for your pup is key to housetraining success. Once they’re used to using their potty spot regularly, you can gradually expand their access.

If they ring the bell for a potty break, take them directly to their designated spot and wait. When they go, praise and reward them!


Potty training a Goldendoodle requires time and consistency. The complete process seems very difficult and in reality, it isn’t very simple and easy, especially for new dog owners. The key to how to potty train a mini Goldendoodle is patience. 

Creating unnecessary pressure will not only confuse your lovely pet rather it will also create negative sentiments for you by your dog. Understand and ignore the miserable condition that your pet is going through. The training process won’t be lost forever so remain patient and calm. 

Restricting Access

Restricting access to the main areas of the house is very important during the potty training session of the mini Goldendoodle. If you do not stop your dog from potting in restricted areas, then it will become a habit, and as soon as the habit strengthens it will be very difficult to curb in the future.

Restricting access can mean closing doors or installing baby gates to block off areas where your puppy could potentially have accidents. It also means keeping an eye on them or placing them into their crate at certain times of the day.

Teaching a Potty Cue

When taking your puppy outside to their toileting spot, use a soothing, natural voice when pronouncing “go potty.” Don’t use repeated and confusing words which may cause confusion and miscommunication between you and your dog.

Once they’ve successfully done the potty, return indoors and reward them with lots of praise, and treats. You can even increase the playtime of your time as it will also have a very positive impact. 

Using a ringbell is also very effective. Initially, your dog will not be able to go directly and potty independently as it will need your approval and guidance. So, place a bell or two at a place that is easy for the dog to access and for you to listen so that it does potty easily and at the right place. 

Understanding the Body Language of the Dog

Be mindful of your dog’s body language for signs they need to go potty. Some common signs are as follows:

  • Sniffing
  • Circling
  • Whining
  • Scratching at the door

Puppy Pads and Their Usage

Pee pads can make toilet training simpler for many parents. The solution is mostly suitable for apartments that have limited outdoor access. You can’t apply the puppy pads for the complete day rather you need to use them when there is a requirement for the potty.

Keep an eye out for any telltale signs that your dog needs to go potty. Circling and sniffing can often indicate they need relief. When this occurs, quickly take them back to the pad with your potty word in place and use your potty command word.

Handling Initial Nights

Your Goldendoodle should eventually become more independent with potty breaks. However, the first few nights may be slightly chaotic. Make sure that you assist and remain available to your dog for the initial few nights until you are confident that it has learned now.

Use a Crate

Crate training a Goldendoodle puppy can be helpful and very handy for potty training. Using a crate as part of the potty training process will help your Goldendoodle understand that it’s acceptable to go potty in its designated spot instead of elsewhere.

This also helps prevent your puppy from eliminating in its food bowl or sleeping area. So, it minimizes accidents that could arise if they urinate where they eat and rest.

Handling Uncontrolled Potties

Young puppies will need to go outside every hour whereas older dogs can wait longer. If your pup begins having potties indoors, clap their hands together loudly while saying a firm “No!” If this fails to control them, place an object under his/her nose as an indicator and say loudly “NO! No more accidents inside!”

Water Reduction Before Going For Bed

Make sure to limit their water consumption before bedtime to avoid midnight accidents. 

Frequent Breaks

Potty training requires taking frequent breaks. Your pup must relieve themselves before going back to sleep or eating again. So having a set schedule and sticking with it are both vital components.


Are mini Goldendoodles hard to potty train?

The breed is known for its quick learning but when it comes to potty training, don’t expect that it will be reliable in terms of potty until it turns four months.

How long can mini Goldendoodles hold pee?

They can hold the pee for almost 6 hours.

How many times a day should a mini Goldendoodle poop?

The dog should be asked to do so at least 2-3 times a day.

How do you discipline a mini Goldendoodle?

Simply asking your dog with verbal and non-verbal gestures for a few weeks will help you to control the dog.

How to potty train a stubborn mini Goldendoodle?

Positive reinforcement and reward giving will be helpful to potty train a stubborn mini Goldendoodle.


If you are not adopting the mini Goldendoodle due to a puzzle of how to potty train a mini Goldendoodle, then you need not worry at all. Due to its intelligence and smartness, the dog can learn the process quickly. Remain patient, teach your dog to potty at a dedicated spot and restrict other areas. It will be a very memorable and useful session for you and your lovely mini Goldendoodle.

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