Goldendoodle Behavior Stages

Goldendoodle Behavior Stages – Must Know Facts

Understanding health, food, grooming, and training requirements is important but genuinely grasping Goldendoodle behavior stages is the most critical thing to do. With age, the behavior of the Goldendoodle frequently changes, from a little jolly-paying puppy to a naughty adult dog and finally a caring and emotionally grown dog. With every passing month and year, a gradual change in behavior is pronounced.

A Goldendoodle lives an average life of 10-15 years. If you have made the correct decision of bringing home, the Goldendoodle, then the probability of finding a long-term companion in the form of a loyal dog is very high. So, in this article, we will tell you all the critical and noncritical behavioral changes of the Goldendoodle that will help you deal well with your amazing dog.

Personality Traits of a Goldendoodle

A Goldendoodle possesses a very stable temperance, usually an intelligent and smart dog, throughout its life. Here are some common traits of the said dog:

  • Sociable
  • Intelligent
  • Affectionate
  • Energetic
  • Gentle
  • Adaptable
  • Loyal
  • Playful
  • Patient

Summary – Key Traits of Goldendoodle Behavior Stages By Age

First 2 Weeks

2 to 4 Weeks

Toddler Stage: 1 to 2 Months Age

The puppy knows how to move around for a short distance. This phase is very important and impacts the overall behavior and grooming of the Goldendoodle. If it is separated from its mother and siblings then the chances of developing destructive habits are increased.

It may bark a lot, bite as well, and show a lot of aggression apart from mental suffering due to early separation from its very close family members. Make sure you give your puppy sufficient time to remain with its family members. Otherwise, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort on recovery of its good behavior.

Importance of Staying With The Mother

The importance of the stay of a Goldendoodle with its mother can’t be over-emphasized. It teaches a lot of things like behaving well with siblings, sacrificing small things, and above all gaining good health due to quality food. So, try to help them maintain a close bond at least during the first 2 months of a puppy after its birth. 

Barking Frequency 

  Goldendoodles bark like any other dog on the planet Earth. But they bark frequently and more aggressively when kept separate in the very early stages of their life. So, be ready to bear the barking of your lovely Goldendoodle if you don’t let them stay together for the first few weeks.

Goldendoodle Behavior Stages

Milestones During First 2 Months

The Goldendoodle will be able to ark, and maintain a good social relationship with its siblings, mother, and especially its owner. It learns what’s happening in its surroundings. It also starts learning obedience and following orders which was not its practice before that period.

Mother’s Role In Teaching

The first few lessons, which are important ones, are taught by the mother of a Goldendoodle. It teaches her everything from eating to moving around. So, make sure that they spend a good amount of time together.

Socialization Stage: 7 to 12 Weeks

Lessons taught during previous stages will help in this stage. After 7 weeks, your dog will show a lot of new traits and this will be a drastic change period. It will learn how to socialize with dogs and especially human beings. Here are some milestones during this phase:

  • The puppy starts to live alone and gives space to humans as well apart from dogs.
  • It learns things quickly and actively participates in learning sessions.
  • Aggression is visible during this stage and it escalates if it is not controlled well in time.
  • Attention spans are not very lengthy.
  • Habits will be developed during this stage and will have a great impact on afterward life.

Knowing Fear: 8 to 11 Weeks Age

A new sentiment of fear develops very quickly at this stage during the behavioral stage of a Goldendoodle. Try to make him feel secure around the clock until he feels safe and secure in unpredictable situations. Here are some suggested measures for you to counter fear effectively:

  • Don’t expose your dog to situations where it possibly feels threatened.
  • Make sure it feels secure and calm with you and try to accompany him at any possible threatened position or stage.
  • Make sure that it feels secure even when you are around know now that you will be available immediately as soon as it requires you.
  • Don’t become a superhero and expose your dog to a fearful condition. Instead, practice patience and give your Goldendoodle proper time to overcome its fear.

Establishment of A Pack Order : 3 to 4 months Age

Well! By now, your adorable dog has grown a lot. It understands all of your family members and enjoys a relationship with almost all of them. It will try to climb the ladder and want to dominate and gain its permanent position in the house.

Challenges During The Phase

This phase is very tricky and needs a lot of care and minimal supervision to ensure that a good balance is maintained. Here are some potential challenges during this stage:

  • The dog became excited very early.
  • It may growl very often.
  • It may question your authority so it’s your job to conduct regular exercise and training sessions to groom it mentally and physically.
  • It may test its boundaries by attempting to bite or even trying to dominate a weak family member.

Tips and Tricks For Better Handling

As we have already discussed that situation will be quite tricky as your Goldendoodle isn’t a puppy anymore and behavioral changes are occurring very quickly. Here are some practical solutions for you:

  • Immediately terminate the training session or playing time when your dog tries to dominate a situation.
  • Make sure you closely monitor and immediately intervene while your dog plays with puppies and most importantly kids.
  • Train yourself if you can spare half an hour daily, otherwise consult a professional.
  • Implement frequent training sessions so that issues are addressed immediately when they occur.
  • Display positive reinforcement and appreciation when it does something good and show disliking postures when gestures aren’t good.
  • Consistency is the key to achieving good training results and it should continue from 3 to 6 months ideally.

Flight Instinct Stage – 4 to 8 Months Age

When your amazing Goldendoodle grows to at least 4 months, it becomes more rebellious and aggressive. It will try to take a solo flight without obeying you. So, it’s your job to make your dog stay close to you without any second thought of not fulfilling instructions.

Development Changes

  • It will try to keep a distance from you.
  • Most likely, it will try to disobey you.
  • It may show more aggression and resistance towards various assigned tasks.

Tips and Tricks

  • Socialize your pet with other dogs and if possible take him to a nearby dog training school.
  • The use word “often” will impact positively the dog.
  • Try to appreciate your dog when it does something good.
  • Apart from verbal orders, my contact with your dog is through nonverbal communication.
  • Show disappointment when it doesn’t fulfill your assigned task.

Adolescence: 7 to 10 Months

You will see a completely different picture of your lovely Goldendoodle. You might curse your decision to bring in Goldendoodle to your home. But what a minute! Things will not remain like that for an extended period as this behavioral stage of a Goldendoodle will continue from just 3 to 4 months.

Helping Tasks to Handle Awkward Behavior of the Dog

  • Try to make them happy and make ake good amount of effort to achieve this.
  • Spend maximum time with your lovely pet.
  • Instead of focusing on problems, try to focus and follow a strict schedule for the training of the dog.
  • Don’t overthink and most importantly don’t make false hopes from your puppy that has just gained a large body but has a little maturity.
  • Remain patient throughout this phase as after having a little tough time you will get a long-term companion who is calm and cool as well.

Second Fear Stage: 6 to 14 Months

Goldendoodles are known for their soft heart and affectionate behavior. During this period, they face fear for the second time in their lives. They will face difficulty while riding in the car, going on hilly terrain or they may face difficulty in feeling comfortable at some park.

Helping Goldendoodle to Recover From Fear   

  • Don’t panic and show aggression to your dog when you face such type of situation.
  • Try to introduce different challenges and tasks to your Goldendoodle gradually.
  • Instead of asking your dog to take the lead, it’s better to do it yourself and ask your pet to follow.
  • Do appreciate your dog when it copes up well its fear.
  • Provide mental challenges to your dog so that it may become strong.

Adulthood: 1 to 3 Years 

When your dog turns one, then it’s no longer a puppy. It will try to maintain its position and it will become more authoritative. They will show aggression and muscles during this period. 

Prominent Changes During the Phase

  • Understands and occupies territory.
  • Strangers may feel uncomfortable due to their aggression.
  • May become aggressive with other dogs and in some unknown situations.

Way Out

  • Train your dog to behave well with strangers.
  • Train your dog not to indulge with other dogs make a habit of sacrificing and remain patient.
  • Closely monitor the behavior of your dog and try to mitigate its aggression if you feel any such behavior.
  • Make sure that your family members remain at a close distance and know when to keep their distance from the dog.
  • Always make a habit of appreciating your dog when it does something good.


How long does a Goldendoodle remain a puppy?

Safely, we can treat it as a puppy until it turns 18 months old.

How long does it take to train a Goldendoodle?

It usually takes 4 to 6 months to train a Goldendoodle due to the reason that they are quick learners and intelligent as well.

At what age does a Goldendoodle stop growing?

At the age of 2 years, it usually stops growing.

How to handle a Goldendoodle?

Make a strong bond with your pet from the very early, food him properly, and start training as soon as possible. This combo effect will help to handle a Goldendoodle easily.

When to start training a Goldendoodle?

Training should be started after 2 months on a lighter tone but formal training should be started when it turns 4 months old.


A Goldendoodle passes through different behavioral changes from puppy to adult and then becomes a mature dog. It needs dedicated time with the mother during the early weeks of her life, training in the next phase, and strict training sessions afterward along with appreciation to make him feel good releasing fear by leading yourself. So, spend some time with your dog daily to make him a good and long-term companion. 

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