Do Golden Doodles Shed

Do Goldendoodles Shed

You may have found and short-listed a Goldendoodle for your home as a long-term companion. But still, you are worried and want to know do Goldendoodles shed? Well! In a single line, the answer is yes;  No dog on the planet Earth is almost exempted from shedding. So, we rephrase the question for you whether it shed less or more?

Being a mixed breed of the Golden Retriever and the Poodle, it enjoys good health and sheds very low, due to genetics of the Poodle. Wait a minute! Do you know that there are subcategories of this amazing breed? The more and more contribution of poodle is seen in the F1b Goldendoodles or F1bb etc, the more chances of less shedding increase.

We can comfortably say that a Goldendoodle sheds very low but still, we need to groom the dog regularly. Diet will also play an important role in forcing the dog to shed even less. So, in this article, we will try to cover almost every aspect related to Goldendoodles shedding. 

Are Goldendoodles Hypoallergenic?

Yes, Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic and they are best suited for people who somehow face difficulty in living with the allergic dogs, that shed the most. First of all, they shed very low, and secondly with regular care and brushing, shedding effects can further be minimized.

Shedding Quantity of A Goldendoodle

Mostly you will see a Goldendoodle in a wavy or curly texture. It sheds very less as compared to other competing breeds. Occasional trimming and frequent brushing, preferably on alternate days, will manage the side effects of shedding. You will not see scattered hairs throughout the home with a little bit of grooming.

Do Goldendoodles Shed

Shedding of Goldendoodle Concerning Generations

Shedding is also calculated and varies by generation. An F1 Goldendoodle is a crossbreed of a Golden Retriever and a poodle. An F1b Goldendoodle is a mixed breed of an F1 Goldendoodle with a pure Poodle. Similarly, an F1bb is a crossbreed of an F1b Goldendoodle and a pure Poodle.

But a question arises which dog breeds shed less or more whether it is F1 or F1bb? A trick to solve this myth is to find out the percentage of inheritance from the pure Poodle. The more genetics of Poodle are found, the chances of less shedding increase. So, by this rule, we can say that an F1bb sheds way less than an F1 or a standard mini Goldendoodle.  

Handling Shedding and Skin Issues of a Goldendoodle

Let’s move on and focus on managing shedding effects along with skin issues of the dog. Here are some practical tips and tricks for you:


Grooming comes first on our to-do list. Grooming covers teeth cleaning, ear cleaning and even brushing as well. Nail trimming is also a mini task in the overall umbrella of grooming. Make sure that your dog lives within a clean and neat surroundings. Daily, weekly, and monthly grooming is done with the dog as a routine practice.


A good diet, containing protein, chicken, and most importantly Omega-3, will help the dog in gaining good health and even controlling shedding implications. So, make sure 3 times food is provided to the dog without any skips. Food requirements vary with age and that element should be respected to achieve maximum benefits.


Bathing will clean dust particles and help in countering germs and insects in a better way. This activity is sufficient when it is performed once a month. Otherwise, your Goldendoodle may suffer from serious skin and especially itching issues.  


Goldendoodles are prone to suffer from various allergies. Allergies may cause an increased shedding as well. Consulting your veteran and using a good shampoo will help to tackle allergies very well.


The surrounding environment affects skin, itching, and even leaves a clear impact on the frequency of the shedding. If the environment is dry and rough, then it will suffer from skin issues but if the weather contains humidification, then the chances of skin issues are reduced exponentially.


If you want to tackle shedding effects in a simple, easy, and effective way, then there is no alternative to brushing. Here are some good brushing techniques for you:

Use Right Brush

Make sure that the quality of the brush is maintained. Using the right brush will make the process easy for you and your dog.

Make a Tight Schedule

Goldendoodles develop habits quickly. So, make sure that a schedule, whether it’s 2 times a week or 3 times a week, is followed.

Remain Gentle

Don’t brush your dog in hustle rather perform the activity when you are completely free from routine tasks. Remain gentle through the process with your lovely pet. If it doesn’t feel comfortable, then it will resist and try to get rid of brushing and that will ultimately cause maximum shedding.

Keep in Mind Skin Problems

If your dog is suffering from some skin issues, don’t brush harshly and if the situation is critical then some brushing sessions can be skipped as well.

Appreciate Goldendoodle

Make a regular habit of acknowledging your dog whenever it cooperates during brushing or any other activity.

Shaving A Goldendoodle

Shaving will further enhance the chances of low shedding. But shaving can’t be done every time rather it’s a completely subjective decision. It is dependent on various factors and here are some prominent ones for you:

Coat Type

If your dog has straight hair then shaving is almost mandatory as it will help handle shedding amicably. But if its hair is curly or wavy then no need to worry about shedding and thus shaving is not required.


If you’re living in some hot area and your dog needs to spend some time outside then shaving is not recommended as the coat of the Goldendoodle helps him to tackle hot weather.

Activity Level

Apart from genetics, the activity level of the dog varies from one dog to another. So, if your dog is super active, then shaving will help him to handle matting more decently.


Using the right shampoo for your long-term companion, the Goldendoodle, is very important. Never try to compromise on the quality. A good shampoo not only helps in handling skin issues rather it also somewhat impacts low shedding. Choosing a good shampoo is decided by some factors which are as follows:

Coat Type

There are various shampoos for different coat types. It is preferable to use shampoo for curly or wavy coat dogs that are specifically designed for them.

Skin Considerations

Some dogs may be suffering from skin issues or allergies. It’s your job to cope well with this situation by using a hypoallergenic shampoo.

Inclusion of Natural Ingredients

Natural ingredients like oatmeal or aloe vera should be included in the shampoo that provides a long-lasting benefit.

Flea and Tick Prevention

Your dog may be suffering from a possible attack of fleas and ticks. There are a lot of good shampoos available in the market, so opt for one that contains natural flea and tick repellents.


The importance of diet can’t be over-emphasized as it is more important than anything else whether it’s muscle, mental growth or it’s a shedding control requirement. Here are some quality tips to provide good food to your Goldendoodle.

Top Quality Food

Make sure that genuine food is provided to the dog instead of artificial accessories.

Consider Age and Activity Level

Food requirements differ altogether with the age and energy level of the dog. So, make sure that your Goldendoodle intakes a good amount of food and that overeating or less eating is avoided at any cost.

Manage Over Eating

It’s a fact that a body knows very late that it has consumed an ample amount of the food and your Goldendoodle will not stop when you offer him good food. But unfortunately, they gain weight very quickly. So, make sure that they don’t overeat.

Provision of Water

Water keeps dogs fresh and healthy. So, make sure that a good amount of water supply is available for the dog around the clock.


Supplements may help but they should be used on pure instructions of an authentic veteran or a diet professional. 


Some dogs may be subject to various allergies so don’t provide them with food that causes them allergies and most importantly severely their digestive systems.

Supplements and Treats

Supplements and treats are also beneficial for the dogs. So, you can use supplements, on the recommendation of the veteran, to achieve good health and control the shedding of the dog. Here is a list for you:

Omega-3 fatty acids

It helps in the resolution of skin and coat problems and is easily found in fish oil products.


They are very fruitful in improving the digestive system of your Goldendoodle.

Joint supplements

They are mostly suitable for senior Goldendoodles when they feel pain in their joints.

Dental chews

Teeth are a possible lucrative door for the germs and insects to cause damage to the health of a Goldendoodle. Dental chews help in maintaining better teeth.

Training treats

A Goldendoodle loves appreciation and when it is presented in the form of some treat, then it will impact very positively.


How bad do Goldendoodles shed?

They don’t shed too much so don’t worry about their shedding frequency and quantity.

How do I stop my Goldendoodle from shedding?

A regular grooming routine, a good diet, and taking good care of the dog help minimize shedding for the dog.

Which Goldendoodles don’t shed?

No dog stops shedding completely but F1B, F2B, and F1BB shed very little compared to other breeds.

Do wavy Goldendoodles shed?

Wavy-coat Goldendoodle sheds much less than curly or straight dogs in the same breed.

Does miniature Goldendoodle shed?

They shed very little and in some cases, they almost don’t shed.

Is dog shedding a problem?

It depends on frequency. If shedding is beyond a certain limit then it may occur due to bad health or lack of grooming.

Do Goldendoodles have hair or fur?

They have hair, not fur.


Like any other dog, a Goldendoodle sheds but it sheds very little compared to other breeds. Various factors like diet, environment, and genetics impact on shedding of the dog. Taking good care of the dog and especially grooming well in time helps in managing shedding quickly. So, if you’re allergic to shedding, then adopt a Goldendoodle as it is a hypoallergenic dog. 

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