f1bb mini goldendoodle

F1bb Mini Goldendoodle

An F1bb mini Goldendoodle is a mixed breed of the mini Poodle and the First-generation crossback Goldendoodle (F1b). It goes one step ahead in terms of Poodle genetics from its predecessor, i.e. F1b. The breed is considered one of the most loving, affectionate, and a low shedding ones.

It is a very decent rather small size. It is suited for small-to-medium-size apartments or homes. It contains a moderate amount of energy. The dog is very easy to train and an intelligent one. In this article, we will take a deep look at its key traits, and some interesting facts and recommend whether you should adopt it or not.

Appearance and Size of The Dog

An F1bb mini Goldendoodle weighs from 15 to 35 pounds. It gains a height from 13 to 21 inches. Its coat can be curly or wavy depending on genetics. It contains the following coat colors:

  • Cream
  • Golden
  • Red
  • Chocolate
  • Black

Selection of the Right Breeder

Before we dive deep into its traits and grooming factors, it’s important to find the right breeder for your lovely puppy. The health, size, and traits of the puppy depend on its breeding. So, here are some suggestions for selecting a suitable breeder for your lovely dog:

Conduct Detailed Research

Don’t consult on a single source. Consult family members, and friends and spend most of the time on the Internet. You will find out a good breeder with a little effort. A good dog breeder is usually transparent in his dealings and takes good care of the health of the dog. 

Ask Critical Questions

Ask everything that comes to your mind regarding the breeding of the pet. Here are some sample questions for you.

  • What is the mechanism of dog breeding?
  • What are the health measures for the dog?
  • How is the temperament of the dog’s parents?
  • What are the health issues of its parents?
  • Does the dog face any glaring issues?

Visit The Breeding Facility

If you can spare time, then it’s always better to physically visit the breeding facility. By doing so, you will be able to see the health conditions, parents of the dog, and training sessions for socializing dogs in detail.

Bringing The Puppy Home

Before bringing the puppy home, it’s necessary to make a comfortable space for your pet. Here are some guidelines:

Puppy-Proof Home

The house should be a puppy-proof home. It shouldn’t contain anything that may cause something bad to the puppy. Try to keep him away from electric boards, etc.

Provide A Safe Space

Make sure that it lives in a safe space. An F1bb mini Goldendoodle puppy is very small and accidentally damages its health. So, use toys, beds, water, and food bowls as safe as possible.

f1bb mini goldendoodle

Food and Diet

Healthy food contributes more to the good and healthy physique of the dog. So, don’t compromise on the quality and quantity of nutritious items. Here are some guidelines:

High-Quality Food

The quality of the food is more important than the quantity. The food should contain Omega3, chicken, protein, and other healthy materials.

Feeding Schedule

Initially, feed your dog at least 3-4 times a day. It will gradually understand food schedule timings. When it grows and becomes an adult one, give food, 2 times a day, to your pet.

Fresh Water

Regularly change the water in the bowl. Water is as important for dogs as it is important for any other living breed. So, provide your F1bb mini Goldendoodle access to fresh water around the clock.

Training and Social Lessons

Training is one of the most important early-stage activities for your dog. It will help him develop good habits, eradicate bad ones, and become a good companion for you. Here are training tips and tricks:

Start Training Immediately

Training of the dog starts on the day you bring him home. Start teaching him to sit, stand, walk run, etc. It will develop a habit of obeying you for the rest of your life.

Enroll For Puppy Classes

Find a nearby training center and take your dog there. It will help your dog to learn things quickly. If somehow you can’t find a said center or can’t afford it, you should train your dog with your existing pets or some other ones in your home as well.

Socialize F1bb Mini Goldendoodle

Despite the fact, that an F1bb mini Goldendoodle is inherently a social dog. Still, you need to make him familiar with your family members, friends, pets, and surrounding environments. It will initially hesitate to go outside to unknown places, but it will learn and adjust very quickly.

Exercise and Playtime

You might be thinking a why a small dog would require an exercise session. But don’t confuse your little champ! It contains an enormous amount of energy that can be exerted through exercise.

Daily Walk

Start daily walk with your dog. It will make him healthy as well as conversant with the environment. Walk duration and speed should be enhanced gradually to avoid muscle damage.

Interactive and Challenging Toys

Buy interactive and challenging toys for your lovely pet. It will make its mood very good. The intelligence and smartness level of your dog will be enhanced as well.

Visiting Parks and Lakes

Your dog contains maximum traits from the Poodle and that’s why it loves swimming. You can expose your pet to the swimming pool or even a lake gradually. It is one of the best exercises. Parks are also good exercise spots as well.

Health Care and Grooming

Health care is an important routine activity. You can’t skip health care as it may cause serious pain and chronic diseases for your dog.

Visiting Vet Regularly

A veteran will tell you the exact issue and its remedial measures. So, make sure you take your dog to the vet regularly at least once a month.


Grooming will not only make your dog look more adorable, but it will also make him healthy as well. Bathing, and cleaning eyes and ears help in tackling efficiently against insects and various skin diseases. Brush your dog twice a week to further minimize shedding effects. 

Dental Care

Cleaning the teeth of your dog is very important. Try to clean them daily or at least on alternate days. Stomach and other infectious diseases can occur due to bad dental conditions. 

Preventive and Proactive Care

Flea and tick prevention should be catered for as early as possible. You must deworm your dog so that it remains healthy and enjoys a good life.

Training Tips and Tricks

Training your dog for the first time? Don’t worry! It’s not as difficult as it has been perceived. You need to follow a strict plan and some practical guidelines to achieve better results. Here are some top-of-the-line training guidelines for your amazing F1bb mini Goldendoodle:

Consistency is the Key

Use a tight schedule and make sure that your dog doesn’t skip training sessions. It will make him punctual and obedient. Tell your family members especially kids to use the same commandments for the dog. It will help him learn quickly and it won’t confuse him at all.

Remain Patient

The training process seems very slow initially. But you need to remain patient throughout the training session, at least in the first few weeks. Your pet will become patient as well by following in your footsteps.

Expect Realistic Goals

Give your pet clear objectives and ask him to achieve those goals. Never expect anything that isn’t achievable for your dog. Appreciate your lovely F1bb mini Goldendoodle when it does something amazing.

Traveling With Your Pet

When a pet becomes your companion, especially an F1bb mini Goldendoodle, then you need to carry him along with you. Here are some suggestions when you want to take the pet with you for traveling:

Travel Kit

A travel kit is required to be prepared that contains water, food, a small bed, and a blanket for the dog.

Crate Training

A dedicated and comfortable space for the dog especially that helps him during exercise and training on the travel as well.

Pet-Friendly Accommodation

Find out a hotel or a rest area that allows and provides good stay facilities for dogs. It will make your stay comfortable especially when you leave for your official activity or a leisure trip.

Taking Care of Temperature

Extreme hot and cold weather is not good for the said dog. Don’t leave your pet unattended in the car, especially in very cold weather.

Establish a Strong Bond with the Dog

The loyalty of dogs isn’t questionable and an F1bb mini Goldendoodle goes one step ahead due to its highly affectionate and loving nature. Your response will impact the strength of the relationship between you two. Here are some tips and trips to establish a warm relationship with your lovely dog:

Spend Maximum Time 

Nothing impacts more than giving time in a good relationship. So, spare at least 2-3 hours in a day and play, cuddle and tease your dog to establish a long-term relationship.

Positive Reinforcement

Appreciating your do-in routine especially when it does something good is very encouraging for the pet. It learns quickly and develops new habits more quickly with positive feedback.

Provide A Comfortable Environment

The breed of mini Goldendoodle is very sensitive. Simple gestures of kindness by providing a safe and comfortable environment will make him more attracted to you.

Caring Mental Health 

  The dog possesses a balanced personality when it contains good physical and mental health. Mental health can’t be ignored. Here are some guidelines that will help you improve the mental health of your lovely pet:

Puzzle Toys

Buy dedicated toys built for dogs. They will sharpen its mind. Don’t spend too much money as simple changes will work especially in the starting days training of your dog.

Obedience Training

Regular training and guidance to the dog make it more obedient. It is very necessary as your bond will establish more strength.   

Interactive Plays

Hide and seek, throwing balls, and running together make your dog enjoy more. 

Maintaining the Health of the Dog

A dog becomes more attractive when it remains healthy. Health should remain a top priority. Here are some tips related to health:

Height and Weight Regular Assessment

Height and weight are the two most important factors and building blocks for the health of a pet. If the weight and height of your dog remain within defined boundaries, then there are maximum chances that it will enjoy good health.

Regular Exercise and Play

Being an inherited dog from the Retriever breed, it may gain obesity without exercise. So, give sufficient time and resources to your dog so that it enjoys good health.

Visit Frequency With Age

No need to visit unnecessarily when your F1bb min Goldendoodle is an adult. However, when it grows then it’s better to visit your nearest vet frequently to counter and find our remedies for the dog.


How big an F1bb mini Goldendoodle gets?

It takes a height from 12 to 18 inches.

What are the characteristics of the F1bb mini Goldendoodle?

They are intelligent and hypoallergenic due to inheritance from the Poodle class.

Which Goldendoodle is best?

An F1b, F1bb, and F2b are considered the best ones due to very low shedding.

What is the smallest mini Goldendoodle?

A small mini Goldendoodle usually carries a height of 13 inches or less.


An F1bb mini Goldendoodle is a mixed breed and it contains more than 80% traits of the Poodle due to inheritance. The dog is loving, affectionate, and above it sheds very low. If you are facing any issues regarding allergies etc, then don’t worry as it will not bother due to very low shedding.

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