Mini Goldendoodle Pregnant

How Long Is a Mini Goldendoodle Pregnant? A Complete Care Guide 2024

One of the most difficult stages in the life of a female dog is during pregnancy. The mini Goldendoodle can be conceived between 6 and 24 months when it feels heat for the first time. But the chances of pregnancy and non-conceiving are almost equal.

Some dog lovers prefer to go for early breeding while others delay it for some other so that the said dog comes to an age and enjoys good health. So, what are the four phases of pregnancy, and how to keep the dog healthy during the pregnancy? We will discuss all said points briefly in this article.

Initial Thoughts

An important thing to keep in mind when breeding goldendoodle females is that their first heat cycle may occur any time between 6-24 months depending on their size and breeder preferences. Responsible breeding usually means waiting until both physical and emotional maturity have been reached before breeding begins.

General Behavior During Pregnancy

As with humans, each dog responds differently to pregnancy. While some might display nesting behaviors late in their gestation period, others can become swollen and pink as their pregnancy continues. A veterinarian can confirm the number of puppies through blood testing or ultrasound imaging.

How Long Is a Mini Goldendoodle Pregnant

When does Mini Goldendoodle become pregnant?

Goldendoodle females generally reach their first heat cycle between six to 18 months of age, whether bred or not. When this time arrives, consider spaying her as soon as possible. The said process has many health and behavioral benefits as well as it eliminates accidental pregnancy risk.

Important Phases During the Process

Estrus is the term used to refer to a dog’s receptive period which usually lasts two or three weeks. Following estrus, her uterus enters the diestrus stage during which she no longer produces fertility. At this time, she may seek out male dogs as she seeks mating opportunities with male dogs. It may produce a bloody discharge from her vulva.

When a Mini Goldendoodle Gives Birth?

A healthy poodle should typically give birth 63 days or nine weeks from conception. It depends on her size of parentage as larger breeds typically produce larger litter sizes.

Pregnancy Signs For the Mini Goldendoodle

The first trimester of pregnancy typically lasts one month and during this time a pregnant dog will start showing noticeable physical changes which are as follows

  • Weight gain
  • Increased appetite
  • Affection
  • Nesting behaviors

Changing into puppies-looking bodies

At the end of this phase, her body temperature will begin dropping and she may become restless. These signs should only last up to the end of their second trimester!

Key Consideration During Heating

As soon as a female dog goes into heat, she must be kept away from male dogs as she will become attracted to them and might attempt to escape. Leash walking should be limited or she must remain confined within a fenced yard. This helps avoid metritis or mastitis diseases which could potentially result in her losing her pups altogether.

Careful breeding

Breeders typically do not breed female dogs more than twice or three times during their lifetime due to potential detrimental health consequences for both mother and puppies. There are also possible restrictions on her ability to conceive.

Before breeding a Goldendoodle, she must reach both physical and emotional maturity. Doing this will lower any risks of complications. Early breeding could result in patellar luxation or progressive retinal atrophy which are both prevalent conditions within Golden Retriever and Poodle breeds.

Consequences of Early Pregnancy?

Goldendoodles may reach their first heat cycle as early as six months old. However, it’s best to wait a bit before breeding them as this could potentially prevent reproduction or cause certain health issues for both. Spaying or neutering should take place before reaching her first heat cycle.

The process should always come first in terms of care if you decide to breed your Goldendoodle. If breeding becomes necessary for any reason then please be mindful in managing her diet and provide necessary attention when caring for her in between heat cycles.

Monitoring During the Pregnancy

At home or with a veterinarian’s ultrasound scan, it’s easy to confirm your pregnant mini Goldendoodle’s gestation. After three weeks of conceiving, ultrasound images show the developing puppies. When this stage arrives, expectant dogs may exhibit nesting behaviors or scratch around their whelping box. 

Your best way of telling if your dog is in labor is by closely monitoring her behavior. A dog typically begins nesting and rearranging bedding in her whelping box two to nine days before giving birth. Her abdomen hardens at regular intervals due to uterine contractions. 

Caring Tips During Pregnancy of Mini Goldendoodles

Pregnant dogs must receive regular veterinary checkups to ensure their health is better. They should also be screened for genetic conditions that could be passed on to their puppies. Vaccination and parasite protection measures should also be implemented regularly. Here are some important aspects that you should maintain during the pregnancy of the mini Goldendoodle.


Mini Goldendoodles require a high-quality diet, professional veterinary check-ups and preventative care on an annual basis, just like all dogs.


Exercise sessions of the dog shouldn’t be terminated at all. But exercise shouldn’t be tough anymore. Ask them to go for a walk and that will be enough to keep them stable and healthy.


When a mini Goldendoodle is going through pregnancy, then it should be socialized and never kept isolated. As we already know a mini Goldendoodle can’t live alone and suffers from separation anxiety.

Spend a good amount of time with your female dog so that it forgets its pain and remains comfortable. Ask your children and other pets to give respect and take care of your pet.


Bathing your pregnant dog regularly is vital to keeping him or her looking their best and maintaining good hygiene. Bathing also removes any extra oils or dead hair that accumulate on their coat.


Their grooming shouldn’t be discontinued at all. Instead, it would be better to spend some time with your dog and groom as well. The most important thing during the pregnancy phase of the mini Goldendoodle is giving ample time.


Pregnant dogs must receive a balanced and complete diet during gestation. Over-exertion could cause intra-abdominal pressure.

Female dogs are predisposed to several health issues like patella luxation, progressive retinal atrophy, and hypothyroidism. They require regular visits with a veterinarian for prevention and treatment.


Your Goldendoodle exhibits symptoms that she is pregnant based on hormone fluctuations. At first, she may become more clingy and reluctant to venture off-leash. Her vocalization may increase significantly and suddenly start barking. But you need to remain gentle and caring with your dog.


How long does a mini Goldendoodle period last?

It generally lasts for 2 to 3 weeks.

How many days does a female dog allow a male dog to mate?

The permission is for 7 to 10 days.

How long can you tell after mating that the dog is pregnant?

The pregnancy signs are more visible after 40 days of mating.

When do I know that the heating days of the dog are gone?

The female dog doesn’t show any intent for mating anymore.

Where are puppies located in the pregnant dog?

The puppies are located in the rib cage?


A mini Goldendoodle can become pregnant after the first 6 months but carefully breeding demands that we should for it to grow and become more healthy. You will suddenly change the behavior of the dog. Give good food, ensure a comfortable environment, and a regular visit to the vet when it’s going through that phase.  

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